Product Documentation

Merges Video Tutorial - Merge Shopify Products & Variants with AI

Learn how to easily combine similar Shopify product variants into optimized single listings using the Merges app. This step-by-step tutorial walks you through the entire process.

Merges Video Tutorial - Merge Shopify Products & Variants with AI

Learn how to easily combine similar Shopify product variants into optimized single listings using the Merges app. This step-by-step tutorial walks you through the entire process.

Merges product documentation - user manual small

Merges is designed to simplify your Shopify store's inventory management by intelligently merging product variants into a single, cohesive listing. This manual will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you can effectively use all the features Merges offers.

Merges product documentation - user manual small

Merges is designed to simplify your Shopify store's inventory management by intelligently merging product variants into a single, cohesive listing. This manual will guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you can effectively use all the features Merges offers.

Handling Duplicate Variant Option Values in Shopify

Merges for Shopify allows you to combine multiple products into a single listing efficiently. However, due to Shopify’s requirement that option value combinations must always be unique, there are specific steps you need to follow to manage option values correctly during the merging process.

Handling Duplicate Variant Option Values in Shopify

Merges for Shopify allows you to combine multiple products into a single listing efficiently. However, due to Shopify’s requirement that option value combinations must always be unique, there are specific steps you need to follow to manage option values correctly during the merging process.

Merges documentation - advanced usage & limitations

Using Merges effectively involves understanding its capabilities and the constraints set by Shopify's platform. Here's what you need to know to navigate these aspects successfully.

Merges documentation - advanced usage & limitations

Using Merges effectively involves understanding its capabilities and the constraints set by Shopify's platform. Here's what you need to know to navigate these aspects successfully.

Merges data handling documentation

Merges simplifies your inventory management by intelligently consolidating your products and their variants. To ensure transparency and help you understand the scope of Merges’ capabilities,

Merges data handling documentation

Merges simplifies your inventory management by intelligently consolidating your products and their variants. To ensure transparency and help you understand the scope of Merges’ capabilities,

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